Sport and relaxation

From your very first visit, you will understand that Jablonec truly lives for sport and movement. If there were such a thing as a dress code for Jablonec, it would almost certainly be running shoes and sports clothing. Thanks to this sporting spirit, which the city has embraced, you can choose from a wide range of sports facilities and you may even meet some sports stars here. Jablonec is the place where the careers of Barbora Špotáková (Olympic javelin gold medallist) or Gábina Koukalová (Olympic biathlon medallist) started. You can view the current range of sports activities on offer in Jablonec here.

22 12, 2019

The Mšeno Reservoir – the Jablonec SEA

2024-12-06T15:29:11+01:00Categories: The Jablonec SEA, Sport and relaxation, Swimming and water sports|Tags: , , , , |

Ideal for swimming, fishing and year-round sports of all types. Without the Jablonec Sea, as the locals call it, Jablonec would not be such a beautiful place in the world :-) The Jablonec Reservoir (the Mšeno Water Reservoir) is located near the centre of Jablonec nad [...]

16 04, 2021

The City Sports Hall

2023-04-27T14:00:23+02:00Categories: Sport and relaxation, Other winter activities|Tags: , |

The Jablonec sports hall provides facilities for a wide range of sports. Attractive spectator sports include European League volleyball matches, judo with the participation of Olympian Lukáš Krpálek, trampolining or martial arts. However, you don’t have to merely watch. It is possible to hire out the [...]

13 12, 2019

The Municipal Swimming Pool

2020-09-21T10:05:55+02:00Categories: Sport and relaxation, Swimming and water sports, Other winter activities|Tags: , , |

You can, of course, also enjoy swimming in Jablonec during unfavourable weather and in those seasons when the weather is not at its warmest. The swimming pool, which is located immediately next to the reservoir, offers eight racing lanes (25 m long) and attractions for children, [...]

20 02, 2020

Where to go running

2022-03-18T13:00:17+01:00Categories: A sporting spirit, Sport and relaxation|Tags: |

Do you want to go running in Jablonec? That’s a great idea ….. Jablonec is tailor-made for running and there are numerous opportunities for running through this city set in nature. Here are some tips with regard to tested and popular groups. Try out some of [...]

18 02, 2020

Weight rooms and gyms

2022-05-24T15:02:35+02:00Categories: Sport and relaxation, Other winter activities|Tags: |

If you are used to working out and exercising regularly, there are a number of gyms which you can choose from. Most of them do not require any reservations, but we still recommend that you call in advance or that you check out the websites for [...]

21 02, 2020

The “Sokolovna” and the Tyrš Gardens

2022-11-24T08:29:44+01:00Categories: Monuments and culture, Sport and relaxation|Tags: , |

People who continue to perpetuate the sporting traditions established by Tyrš can be found in almost every town and city. In its day, the Jablonec Sokolovna was one of the largest gymnasiums in Bohemia! The monumental neo-renaissance building has been used for various physical activities since [...]

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