The second highest peak in the Jizera Mountains on the Czech side (1122 m above sea level), formerly called “Bražecký vrch” or “Siechhübel”. It provides hikers with views of the Jizera Mountain Plane in winter and summer: you can see Smrk, Bukovec, Black Mountain and Smědava Mountain, the Souš Reservoir or the peat bog in the dwarf pine meadows. You can also see the neighbouring Giant Mountains, Ještěd or Trosky on a clear day. The peak of Jizera is located in the “Jizera Primeval Forest” nature reserve, which protects the remnants of the original spruce groves. The upper rock material consists of coarse grained granite. It rises to the surface in the form of scattered boulders and there are talus fields in several locations on the slopes of Jizera. There is also a small log cabin with a covered terrace under one of the cliffs.
- výhled z Jizery
- vyhlídka Jizera se zbytky sněhu
- polomy u Jizery
- vrchol Jizery
- výhled z Jizery
- Pod Jizerou