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21 04, 2020

The cliffs of the Jizera Mountains

2024-12-06T13:16:45+01:00Categories: Mountaineering, The Jizera Mountains|Tags: , |

Unlike sandstone climbing, which is very popular among climbers, coarse grained granite constitutes a challenge. The ascent up the Jizera Mountains cliffs is not without its cost and you will often receive a few bruises for your troubles, but several localities are available, if you still [...]

8 04, 2020

Through a region of mountain chalets

2021-03-23T16:47:46+01:00Categories: Hiking|Tags: , , |

Charming Jizera Mountain chalets scattered along the tracks or hidden in the forests now mostly serve their owners for recreation and the care given to them means that they now delight the eye of everybody who passes. We admittedly do not know their stories, but we [...]

Délka: 11.5 km Převýšení: 335 m Doba: 3.5 hod.
29 12, 2019

The Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery

2022-11-22T14:13:55+01:00Categories: The greatest selection of Czech costume jewellery, Monuments and culture, Museums and exhibitions, Tourist destinations|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou is the only one of its kind in the world. Its exhibitions constitute one of the largest collections of glass in the Czech Republic, a collection of costume jewellery unique in Europe and the largest [...]

6 04, 2020

From Bedřichov to Trniště via the Way of the cross

2020-09-06T19:57:30+02:00Categories: Hiking|Tags: , |

You can set off along the High Ridge from Bedřichov to places where miracles occurred according to the old stories. The route will take you to a spring with apparently healing water, to a place of pilgrimage and an altar in the cliff. And then slightly [...]

Délka: 6 km Převýšení: 191 m Doba: 3 hod.
6 04, 2020

The Way of the Cross to Slovanka

2020-09-06T19:51:39+02:00Categories: Hiking|Tags: , , |

Ways of the Cross are expressions of the faith of believers. In the Jizera Mountains, they can not only be found inside churches, but also in nature. One such example involves the Way of the Cross which leads through the forests to the Slovanka lookout tower. [...]

Délka: 4 km Převýšení: 133 m Doba: 1.5 hod.
31 03, 2020

The Devil’s Rocks (Čertovy kameny)

2020-09-07T17:38:32+02:00Categories: Lookout towers and observation points|Tags: , , |

The Devil’s Rocks (the Devil’s Lookout (Čertova vyhlídka), 660 m above sea level) are located in the upper section of the municipality of Josefův Důl which is known as Peklo (“Hell”). The cliffs tower above the upper reaches of the Kamenice. They are also called the “Celtic [...]

21 03, 2020

Vistas across Petřín to Dobrá Voda and Čertův kámen

2021-03-23T16:21:30+01:00Categories: Hiking|Tags: , |

An afternoon walk from the centre of Jablonec to the top of Petřín. After the initial climb in the first half of the trip, you will be rewarded with beautiful views of Jablonec and the Jizera Mountains. Dům národopisců Scheybalových – Kostel sv. Anny – Tyršovy [...]

Délka: 7.5 km Převýšení: 191 m Doba: 2.5 hod.
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