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13 12, 2019


2020-09-23T13:53:31+02:00Categories: The Kittel Region|Tags: |

The history of this small village, which lies less than half an hour’s drive from Jablonec, stretches back to 1346. As such, Bzí was the oldest parish municipality in the upper Jizera area and it was also an administrative centre for the entire Jablonec area until [...]

13 12, 2019


2023-03-21T10:01:34+01:00Categories: The Kittel Region|Tags: , , |

The village of Krásná, where Jan Josef Antonín Eleazar Kittel, the legendary doctor and healer, was born at the beginning of the 18th century, is the natural centre of the Kittel area. He built his mysterious house Burk, which was enormous by the standards of those [...]

13 12, 2019

The Bozkov Caves

2024-12-09T12:11:43+01:00Categories: The valleys of the Jizera and Kamenice Rivers, Tourist destinations|Tags: , , |

This national natural monument which boasts the longest dolomite caves in the Czech Republic can be found about forty minutes’ drive from Jablonec. The greatest experience awaits you at the very end of the tour when viewing the crystal clear, blue-green water of the Lake Chamber, [...]

13 12, 2019

Malá Skála

2021-02-09T09:06:56+01:00Categories: The valleys of the Jizera and Kamenice Rivers|Tags: |

This romantic summer resort, whose history stretches back to the 15th century, can be found in a bend in the Jizera River, just half an hour’s drive from Jablonec. Malá Skála is also a well-known boating centre – you can set off from there on a short, [...]

13 12, 2019

Lookout towers

2023-03-21T15:29:15+01:00Categories: The Jizera Mountains|Tags: |

No other place in our country can boast as many lookout towers as the Jizera Mountains. We have more than ten of them and each is more beautiful than the last. All of them provide unforgettable vistas of distant regions. As such, you will not regret [...]

13 12, 2019

The Jizerka settlement

2023-03-21T14:28:22+01:00Categories: The Jizera Mountains, Tourist destinations|Tags: |

You would be hard pressed to find a more magical or romantic area in the Jablonec area than at the Jizerka mountain settlement which is located at an altitude of 862 m above sea level, on the very border of not only our region, but also [...]

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