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30 03, 2020

To the Bramberk lookout tower

2021-02-08T15:06:15+01:00Categories: Hiking|Tags: , , |

On the way to the stone lookout tower, another of the beauties designed by the architect Hemmrich, you can look forward to submontane meadows, picturesque Jizera Mountain chalets and mysterious forest nooks with granite cliffs. You will be rewarded for the climb with excellent views of Jablonec, [...]

Délka: 11 km Převýšení: 296 m Doba: 3.5 hod.
26 03, 2020

In the footsteps of the king of the poachers to the mysterious peat bogs

2021-02-08T15:00:17+01:00Categories: Hiking|Tags: , |

A more demanding circuit which will take you through mysterious areas and the resplendent nature of the Jizera Mountains. Jizerka - chata Pyramida - Lasičí cesta - Jelení stráň - Pytlácké kameny - Předěl - chata Smědava - Rašeliniště Jizerky a zpět    

Délka: 20.5 km Převýšení: 320 m Doba: 6 hod.
23 03, 2020

All-access walks

2021-03-24T17:55:22+01:00Categories: Hiking|Tags: , |

Some tips for families with prams or people in wheelchairs. Favourable terrain without any steep climbs, nature and points of interest along the way! All you have to do is set off :-) To Nová Louka Head from Bedřichov, the legendary cross-country skiing centre, in the [...]

13 12, 2019

The Jana and Josef V. Scheybal House

2025-01-20T10:29:23+01:00Categories: Monuments and culture|Tags: , , , |

Along with the Church of Saint Anne, the patron saint of the City of Jablonec, the former rectory in Kostelní Street is one of the oldest and most significant architectural historical monuments in Jablonec nad Nisou. In 2012, the city completed the reconstruction of the house [...]

20 03, 2020

To the Nisanka lookout tower and the source of the Nisa

2021-02-08T14:28:56+01:00Categories: Hiking|Tags: |

An eight-kilometre circuit from Jablonecké Paseky to the Nisanka lookout tower, the source of the Nisa and then back to Jablonec via Nová Ves and Kynast. Jablonecké Paseky – Císařská lípa – rozhledna Nisanka – pramen Nisy – Kynast a zpět    

Délka: 8 km Převýšení: 220 m Doba: 2.5 hod.
7 04, 2020

A tour of the famous villas of Jablonec

2023-03-19T11:01:14+01:00Categories: Architecture for connoisseurs, Monuments and culture, Hiking|Tags: , , , |

This undemanding walk around the city will acquaint you with 9 famous Jablonec villas and it is mainly designed for lovers of architecture. Now as before, the majority of the villas are in the hands of private owners and as such it is only possible to [...]

Délka: 4 km Převýšení: 39 m Doba: 1.5 hod.
22 12, 2019

Volt – the Jablonec brewery

2020-09-21T15:25:06+02:00Categories: The Jablonec SEA, Something more|Tags: , |

The First Republic villa which houses the small craft brewery in its cellar sits in close proximity to the Jablonec Reservoir. And what would beer be without good food?! In addition to the stylised tavern in the basement, there is also a restaurant on the first [...]

29 12, 2019


2023-03-27T15:29:55+02:00Categories: Monuments and culture, Lookout towers and observation points|Tags: , , |

There is no nicer place for a view of Jablonec nad Nisou than the hill known as Petřín. The Jablonec basin opens up perfectly and visitors can see the entire city with all its significant structures, including the reservoir, and a significant part of the Jizera [...]

17 02, 2020

Císařský kámen

2023-03-29T12:32:53+02:00Categories: Lookout towers and observation points|Tags: , , , |

Císařský kámen has become a popular hiking destination in recent years. The new lookout tower has stood on the site since the autumn of 2018. The top of the lookout tower is equipped with plaques to identify the visible peaks and dominant features in the environs [...]

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