
20 02, 2020

The Church of the Holy Trinity

2022-03-27T13:21:33+02:00Categories: Monuments and culture|Tags: , |

The small church hidden among blocks of flats is now merely a reminder of the history of the independent municipality of Mšeno (Grünwald). The Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity in Mšeno was once the pride of the municipality. It was erected due to the [...]

15 04, 2020

The Linke Building

2020-11-30T11:10:51+01:00Categories: Monuments and culture|Tags: , , |

The business and residential building, which was designed by the Jablonec architect Rudolf Günter, was built by Gustav Linke in 1929–1931 and it is one of the architectural gems of the city centre. It has been preserved in very good condition (with the exception of the [...]

21 02, 2020

The Schneider Villa

2021-04-12T14:14:34+02:00Categories: Monuments and culture|Tags: , |

The villa on the corner of Zlatá and V Luzích Streets was designed by the architect Rudolf Günter for Fritz and Olga Schneider in 1929. The house was completed on 7th April 1930 and it was home to a family with children and a maid. From [...]

26 02, 2020

The Hotel Prague Cultural Centre

2020-11-16T15:32:50+01:00Categories: Monuments and culture|Tags: |

The reconstructed building which was originally a hotel can boast a renovated hall which is available for a wide range of events. The history of this building in the pedestrian zone in Komenského Street stretches back to 1879, when the property with the original building was [...]

27 12, 2019

The Schmelowský Villa

2021-02-08T15:26:16+01:00Categories: Architecture for connoisseurs, Monuments and culture|Tags: , |

Experts consider the villa to be an excellent example of the aerodynamic functionalism of the Wroclaw school. It was designed by the architect Heinrich Lauterbach for the dermatologist Friedrich Schmelowský and his wife Marie. The Schmelowský Villa stands in a quiet area of greenery. From Opletalova [...]

13 12, 2019


2023-03-21T10:01:34+01:00Categories: The Kittel Region|Tags: , , |

The village of Krásná, where Jan Josef Antonín Eleazar Kittel, the legendary doctor and healer, was born at the beginning of the 18th century, is the natural centre of the Kittel area. He built his mysterious house Burk, which was enormous by the standards of those [...]

23 12, 2019

The Kantor Villa

2021-02-08T15:36:34+01:00Categories: Architecture for connoisseurs, Monuments and culture|Tags: , , |

The Jablonec Doctor, Alfréd Kantor, had his family villa designed by the architect Heinrich Kulka, a pupil and long-time colleague of the internationally renowned architect Adolf Loos. The villa stands at the busy intersection of Palackého and U Přehrady Streets and it is highly reminiscent of [...]

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