
14 01, 2020

Vranov – the Pantheon

2020-12-22T16:36:10+01:00Categories: The valleys of the Jizera and Kamenice Rivers, Tourist destinations|Tags: , , |

Vranov or the Pantheon is the ruin of a clifftop castle on the right-hand side of the Jizera River which towers above the municipality of Malá Skála. Only remnants of this late mediaeval clifftop castle, which was the largest fortification of its type in the Czech [...]

30 12, 2019

Frýdštejn Castle

2023-03-21T10:07:03+01:00Categories: The valleys of the Jizera and Kamenice Rivers, Tourist destinations|Tags: , , , , |

The preserved ruins of Frýdštejn Castle, which is especially known to Czechs from the filmed fairy tale of Princess Jasněnka and the Flying Cobbler, are located at the edge of a village of the same name, just twenty minutes’ drive from Jablonec. This typical guard castle, [...]

29 12, 2019


2023-03-29T11:49:43+02:00Categories: Lookout towers and observation points|Tags: , , , , |

Štěpánka is one of our most beautiful lookout towers. And even though it has much in common with the Jizera Mountains, it is actually located in the Giant Mountains National Park. The regional administrator, Archduke Stephan (Štěpán), visited our region in 1847 and was impressed by [...]

29 12, 2019

The lookout tower above Proseč

2023-03-29T12:47:12+02:00Categories: Lookout towers and observation points|Tags: , , , , |

The Proseč Ridge is only a few kilometres long and its highest point reaches 593 m. Its position between Jablonec and Liberec and its easy accessibility from all sides make it a popular destination for Sunday walks in the countryside. A German mountain association was also [...]

29 12, 2019

Černá studnice

2023-03-21T09:54:21+01:00Categories: Lookout towers and observation points, The Kittel Region|Tags: , , , , |

The Černá Studnice Ridge dominates the entire region. Even though it is only ten minutes’ drive from Jablonec, it still gives the impression as if time has stood still there. A stone lookout tower of the same name has stood at its western end since 1905. [...]

16 10, 2024

Jablonec Central Cemetery

2024-11-19T14:01:08+01:00Categories: Monuments and culture|Tags: |

Jablonec's central cemetery is one of the most valuable, yet still officially neglected, historical sites in the town. Despite the damage caused by several past interventions, it remains a treasure trove of funerary architecture from the early 20th century. A map and a register of grave [...]

29 12, 2019

The Hásek Villa

2023-05-04T12:30:23+02:00Categories: Architecture for connoisseurs, Monuments and culture|Tags: , , |

The villa was built for the successful Jablonec costume jewellery exporter Jaroslav Hásek and his family (1930–31). The inspiration for it came from the Wohnung und Werkraum (WUWA) exhibition in Bratislava where he was intrigued by the design of a family home by the architect Heinrich [...]

29 12, 2019

The City Theatre

2021-04-12T12:43:18+02:00Categories: Monuments and culture|Tags: , , |

The Jablonec theatre was built more than one hundred years ago (1907) according to designs drawn up by the significant Viennese company of Fellner and Helmer. It admittedly cannot boast a permanent theatre company, but this does not in any way mean that it is unable [...]

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